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Admin Assistant

Rebecca serves as a receptionist at Noble Paw, where she has been an integral part of the team since 2020. As a University of Victoria psychology graduate, she stands out as the only extrovert in the hospital, often found engaging in lively chats with clients, pets, and staff.

Her ability to talk nonstop is one of her unique traits. Currently enrolled in a Master of Psychology program, Rebecca provides emotional support to both the doctor and staff. Beyond her professional life, she's a full-time cat mom, and her love for animals is apparent in all she does.

When not at work, she enjoys relaxing at home with movies and snacks, seamlessly combining her passion for psychology and animals.

Rebecca 是 Noble Paw 團隊的行政助理,一個充滿熱情和關懷的職位,使她能夠與各種動物建立深厚的連結。她在維多利亞大學畢業,擁有心理學學位,這項學問讓她在理解動物和人類之間的關係方面具有獨特的洞察力。

Rebecca 不僅是一名專業的行政助理,她還是一隻7歲的異國短毛貓的全職母親,這隻貓咪是她家庭的寶貝成員。Rebecca 的愛和照顧也延伸到她的個人生活,她喜歡在家中放鬆,欣賞各種電影,並享受美食小吃。

這種平衡的生活方式使她能夠在工作中展現出卓越的效能,並與 Noble Paw 團隊的其他成員共同為動物和其主人提供無與倫比的服務。

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