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Dr. Tai-Hung Chen

Managing Veterinarian

Dr. Chen is an accomplished veterinarian whose journey spans continents and expertise runs deep. With a Biochemistry degree from SFU in 2008 and a subsequent graduation from Massey University in New Zealand in 2013, this dedicated professional has been practicing veterinary medicine in Canada since 2014.

Fluent in both Mandarin and English, they effortlessly bridge communication gaps, building trust and rapport with a diverse clientele. Their passion for animals finds its outlet in their adeptness at soft tissue surgery, precise wound repair, and transformative dental procedures.

Having served in critical roles, including the demanding realm of 24-hour emergency care and on-call duties, they have forged an unwavering commitment to delivering top-tier medical attention during critical moments.

Notably, their Fear Free certification sets them apart, showcasing a deep dedication to prioritizing the emotional well-being of every pet. Acknowledging the inherent stress of veterinary visits, they diligently create an environment where both pets and their owners feel comforted.

The great ambition for him, "I want to make Noble Paw Animal Hospital, a first-class pet hospital, with my team", he said.



開業後同樣繼續進修,獲得「Fear Free Certification」, 一個一個給寵物醫療專業人員的認證, 包括如何消除寵物的恐懼、焦慮和壓力,使患者更快樂,客戶更合作,並確保獸醫保健團隊的安全。也展示了他對優先考慮每一隻寵物情感健康的深深奉獻。承認獸醫診所造訪的固有壓力,他努力創造一個寵物和主人都感到舒適的環境。





Dr. Tai-Hung Chen
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